Cuspal Interlink Astrology

  • ( Khullar Ji Padhatti )
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About R.S. Chani

I am at a loss for words to express how highly indebted and appreciative I am for having been gifted the opportunity of being associated with Shri R S Chani since the year 2002. He is a very dedicated and devoted student of Sub Sub and Cuspal interlink theory developed by me..



I am at a loss for words to express how highly indebted and appreciative I am for having been gifted the opportunity of being associated with Shri R S Chani since the year 2002. He is a very dedicated and devoted student of Sub Sub and Cuspal interlink theory developed by me. I am confident that the book written by him will prove to be a very efficient tool in the hands of Astrologers who practice KCIL. Shri R S Chani realized that most of North Indians feel more comfortable in understanding the concepts of KCIL in the Hindi language and thus made a sincere effort to present its contents in easy to learn style in Hindi language.
I am grateful to him. KCIL is distinctively different in application from any Astrological system in the works today, and this is one of the primary messages which Shri R S Chani wishes to convey. Shri RS Chani’s moral fiber, combined with the richness of his character and personal integrity, are commendable, as his spirit and dedication has continued to remain intact even in the face of criticism by those who don’t have the capacity to apply this unique system.
He continues to be magnanimous in sharing his understanding of KCIL with all his students who possess a serious mind to learn, while also being simultaneously open to the ideas and suggestions of others. I continue to marvel at his sincerity. I am sure his effort will bring a remarkable change in the predictive ability of his readers. I wish him a great success and hope he will continue to propagate KCIL.
SP Khullar
ITS (retd).

About my Guru Khullar Ji

Mr. S. P. Khullar’s approach to Astrology is distinctly and uniquely different from any Methodology or System.I have had the good fortune to work with, and learn from Mr Khullar. The results we achieve by using his method are truly exceptional, and inspires all his followers to emulate his remarkable feats.


More About Guru Khullar Ji

KCIL developed by him is highly polished and star refined; differentiating KCIL from all other systems in print or practice today. Mr. S.P. Khullar’s outstanding talent, coalesced with his superior approach to uniformly both unite, and unselfishly disseminate to his followers. As each human birth is a unique and individual experience, each individual horoscope should reflect the uniqueness and timing of the human experience; encompassing all of life’s unique events along with their appropriate timing. Mr. Khullar's teachings are not ‘generalities’ as propounded by many other system teachings involving less detail. KCIL teachings - from beginning to end - elaborate on the soul’s individual experience through life - like no system in print today. I remain totally in awe at the power of KCIL.

Mr Khullar’s books gave full and complete explanationI of the system so I don’t want to duplicate in my book but using the Hindi language I am presenting his concepts in easy to comprehend his theory. I pray to God to bless him with sound health and long life so that he continues to guide his followers.
R. S. Chani

Difference Between Vedic/ K.P Astrology and Cuspal Interlink Astrology

Vedic/K.P.Astrology VS Cuspal Interlink Astrology

  1. Sripati and other systems of House Formation is used to To construct a Vedic Horoscope.
  2. Bhav Madhya to Bhav Madhya calculations are taken In to consideration.
  3. Many Divisional charts are studied along with ascendant To read a particular aspect in the horoscope.
  4. Hundreds of vedic yogas are considered to assess the The horoscope.In some horoscopes it applies and in some Horoscope it does not apply. One has to remember these To remember any of the vedic combinations.
  5. The potential of a particular house is studied from the lord Of that house, placement of that lord and there after the Study of the dispositer is done. Along with that the aspect Of planets are also considered.The conjunction /association Are also considered.
  6. Exaltation of a planet is taken in to consideration
  7. Deblitation of a planet is taken in to account
  8. Retrogression of a planet is considered while assessing The horoscope in vedic and K.P.Astrology.
  9. Manglik Doshas and similar other yogas are taken in to Considertion while assessing vedic/K.P horoscope.
  10. Association and conjunctions are considered.
  11. The concept of Benefic and Malefic planets are taken In to consideration while judging a horoscope
  12. .Aspect and drishti sambandh is taken in to consideration , Every planet has its own aspects.
  13. Concept of mool trikon is also considered.
  14. Geographical Longitude and Latitudes are taken in to Account to cast vedic chart.
  15. Mostly Mean position of Rahu and Ketu is considered.
  16. In K.P Astrology Planetary signification are considered,Means a particular planet will make relation through its star Lord and sub lord where thses planets are the residents and it Will also offer the result of its lord ship houses,which are very Restricted.Where as most of the Native enjoy the significations Of all the 12 houses in his life time. And if a particular planet Does not signify a particular house, so the Native will not be able To enjoy the fruits of that particular house. So it should be the Necessary that a planet should make relation with maximum Houses.
  17. In K.P Astrology the promise of Ascendant or any other cusp. Is studied from the Sub Lord of that particular cusp
  18. The Duration of Sub Lord is around 3 minutes to 9 minutes.
  19. The Duration of Lagna is around 2 hours in Vedic Astrology Means , The promise of Ascendant and other Houses will be Studied accordingly and the promise will remain same for all the Natives , who have taken birth durin those two they Will talk about the divisional charts, even Navamsha lagna Remains for approximately 13 minutes, means during a particular Span of time even Navamsha will not change.Personality, and complete pattern of life.every native is unique in him.
  1. Where as Placidius system of House formation is used to construct A cuspal Horoscope.
  2. Where as in cuspal Horoscope ,The degree rising on the Ascendant And other cuspal positions are the starting point of the cusp.
  3. Only a single page horoscope is required to read.
  4. No vedic yogas are considered to read the promise and potential of a horoscope. In KCIL Cuspal Links are formed and cuspal inter linkages are read to assess the potential or promises of the horoscope. No need All the yogas by heart.
  5. In KCIL , The potential of the particular cusp is studied from the Sub Sub Lord of that particular House, The sub sub lord establishes cuspal linkages through its steller status and positional status level to other cusp at involvement, commitment and final confirmation level.
  6. Exaltation of a planet is not considerd
  7. Deblitation of a planet is not considered.
  8. Retrogression Process is not considered while assessing horoscope in KCIL.
  9. and other doshas are not considered while assessing KCIL Horoscope
  10. Association and conjunction are not considered.
  11. No planet is considered Benefic and No planet is considered malefic As every planet is capable to offer result as per its position in chart.
  12. No aspect or Drishti Sambandh is taken in to consideration in Cuspal Interlink Astrology
  13. Where as in KCIL It is not considered.
  14. Geocentric Longitude and Latitudes are taken in to account to To cast Cuspal Chart
  15. True Position of Rahu and Ketu is considered in KCIL.
  16. Where as in Cuspal Interlink Astrology Cuspal Significations are considered (which is the big difference from K.P), While using cuspal significations a particular planet make relation with many houses , Because a planet will offer the result through its star lord,sub lord,and sub sub lord. By this way a planet becomes capable to offer the result of maximum houses and it is must because , A native enjoy or bear the significations of all the 12 houses in his life KCIL a planet becomes capable to link with maximum houses through its star, sub and sub sub lord planets.
  17. Where as in Cuspal Interlink Astrology , The Promise of Asc. And other cusp is studied from the Sub Sub Lord of that particular Cusp, means sub sub portion is more minute than the sub lord.
  18. Where as the Duration of Sub Sub Lord is only few Seconds.
  19. Where as in KCIL , The Zodiac has been divided in to 2193 un equal parts,and to each part a particular Sub Sub Lord control that part of the zodiac. The Promise and Potential of Ascendant and other cusps are studied from its Sub Sub Lord, which changes in few second ,so a proper Sub Sub Lord needs to be fixed as ascendant Sub Sub lord and other cuspal position Sub Sub Lord soo that It should Simulate conditions to reflect his genetical connections , individuality So that uniqueness should reflect from the horoscope.

About The Topics of Study and Pattern of Study

I have been teaching Cuspal Interlink Astrology since 2005 and so far taught hundreds of Students.I am having my own class room in Delhi and I also conduct online classes for the students residing in other part of India and Abroad.The mode of classes are in group and in individual too.

  1. First of all Basic Rules and Principles of Cuspal Interlink Astrology are Taught
  2. Study of all the 12 Houses are done one by one and taught about each House in Detail.
  3. After Telling about all the basic rules and principles thoroughly in 3 or 4 classes, practical training starts there after
  4. How to read Promise or Potential , How to fix Dasa Period Lords to time an Event, Application of Transit is taught practically through Example Charts.
  5. Three to Four Examples are taken for Each House to Assess it practically.
  6. After completing the Study of all the 12 Houses, in which a Student become Well Versed in Assessing the horoscope, Grouping of the houses, fixing Dasa period lords for timing the Event etc.
  7. Then the Process of Birth Time Rectification (BTR) is Started, in which Different Horoscopes are taken for BTR. It is also being taught Practically.
  8. First of All the Rules and Principles of BTR are told to the students. Using the Same Principles Students are asked to do Birth Time Rectification of the chart them selves practically under my Guidance.
  9. Using Different Concept of BTR , The Birth Time Rectification is done For Example 1) Using Cuspal Principles , 2) BTR by using Ruling Planets and 3) BTR by using Event Verification.
  10. Another Topic is Horary Astrology, All the Rules and Principles of Horary Astrology are told to the Students. After that , Chart of different Queries are assessed practically and an Art of Timing the Particular Event is described to the Students.
  11. Theory of Progression is also taught , how to apply it to time an ecvent and giving predictions etc
  12. Discussion of Cross Flow theory is also taken in to consideration while giving prediction.

My Interests

My main interest is teaching “ Cuspal Interlink Astrology’’, It is my passion. How to assess a horoscope, how to time an event, how to apply transit etc. is an art and It is being transferred to my students for the last so many years. Many of my students are giving wonderful Predictions to their clients all over India and Abroad, and They have achieved Perfection and Accuracy under my Guidance. If any person is interested to Learn KCIL , Khullar Cuspal Interlink Astrology, He can contact me on my Whatsapp no. 9818528724 or at 9015459754 or He can mail me at I am the most Senior Teacher of Cuspal Interlink Astrology, because I have been associated with Mr. Khullar since the days of the development of KCIL, and have directly learnt from him.

Releasing of books


Why To Purchase of Books ?

KCIL developed by him is highly polished and star refined; differentiating KCIL from all other systems in print or practice today. Mr. S.P. Khullar’s outstanding talent, coalesced with his superior approach to uniformly both unite, and unselfishly disseminate to his followers. As each human birth is a unique and individual experience, each individual horoscope should reflect the uniqueness and timing of the human experience; encompassing all of life’s unique events along with their appropriate timing. Mr. Khullar's teachings are not ‘generalities’ as propounded by many other system teachings involving less detail. KCIL teachings - from beginning to end - elaborate on the soul’s individual experience through life - like no system in print today. I remain totally in awe at the power of KCIL.

Mr Khullar’s books gave full and complete explanationI of the system so I don’t want to duplicate in my book but using the Hindi language I am presenting his concepts in easy to comprehend his theory. I pray to God to bless him with sound health and long life so that he continues to guide his followers.
R. S. Chani

My Books

Price: Rs. 1000 For a Set Of 3-Books
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Cuspal Jyotish Ke Mool Sootra


Birth Time Rectification


Cuspal Prashan Jyotish


Cuspal Jyotish Ke Mool Sootra


Birth Time Rectification


Cuspal Prashan Jyotish

Price: Rs. 1000 For a Set Of 3-Books
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About The books


1) Cuspal Jyotish Ke Mool Sootra

This book has been written in a very simple day to day spoken Hindi Language with sole objective of enabling the readers to become the Master to know about the Basics and Fundamentle Principles of Cuspal Interlink Astrology ( Khullar Ji Padhatti).
In first 53 Pages , All the Rulings And Priciples of KCIL has been in a very simple manner .The Authour R.S.Chani has tried his level best to make readers Understand well by giving discriptions in different ways, so that each Reader may understand the concept thoroughly. Onward Page 54 , Study and Discrption of all the 12 Houses has been given in a Simple, Lucid and easy to Learn Style . All the Probable Cuspal Linkages (Yogas) have been given in Detail in each Chapter. A reader with basic knowledge of astrology would be able to understand the concept of KCIL very easily. The theory of Cuspal Interlink Astrology have been designed in a simple and easy to understand way, same thing have been kept in mind while writing the book , that the simplicity of the concept should reflect in the book too. With a little dedication a Reader can master the technique of Analysing horoscope , what are the promises for the native have been given in that particular horoscope for all walks of life, which have been explained in simple and specific way. How the Cuspal Linkages are established , How a planet offer the result,How the study of Nodes are done, What is the function of Involvment, Commitment, and Final Confirmation. How a Planet Acquire Positional Status, which positions are Favourable, Unfavourable and Neutral. All the aspects of KCIL have been dealt in detail in this Book.


2) Birth Time Rectification

The Book Birth Time Rectification is the only book available in Hindi in the field of Astrology in which the Process of How to do Rectification of a Natal Horoscope is done through Cuspal Interlink Astrology is given. Almost all the horoscopes need Rectification Because Every horoscope is unique in it self. The Cuspal Chart ( Horoscope) will simulate and reveal conditions to represent the unique Life Pattern of the Individual. Each incarnated soul has its own Secret. This book named ‘’ Birth Time Rectification” is consist of around 400 pages and 20 cases of BTR has been taken in this book in which the process of Birth Time Rectification has been taught in a step by step way.
The BTR is done in three ways , 1) By Using Cuspal Principles, 2) By using Event Verification along with Cuspal Principles, 3) By using the Concept of Ruling Planets (when there is a doubt about the year of birth or when there is doubt about the month of birth or when there is doubt about the day and time of birth). All the principles regarding BTR is given in this book and the real examples have been considered to teach the process of rectification to the Readers. All the examples are given in a very simple method which is very logical and authentic.A reader having a little knowledge of KCIL would be able to do rectification of a birth chart by him self. The Astrological Birth Time of each Individual is specific, It is defined as that when the incarnated soul takes possession of the body. It defies the capability of the Doctor to note it correctly. It is the responsibility of the Astrologer to construct the true horoscope of the individual that should simulate conditions to reflect his geneticle connections, individuality, personality and complete life pattern.
How an Astrologer can do it has been explained in this Book.


3) Cuspal Prashan Jyotish

The Book Cuspal Prashan Jyotish consist of around 400 pages. In the first 7 pages all the Rulings and Principles related to Horary Astrology have been given in Detail in a simple and Lucid way. Horary Examples have benn discussed in this book related to all the 12 Houses.There are 40 example charts which have been discussed in this book. Reading and assessing the potential and promises of the prashan Kundli, Time an Event, Application of Transit are often thought of as complex and incomprehencible, but in this book , it is dealt in a very clear, practical and illustrative way. From taking a prashan to assessing it and finally predicting an event has been taught very minutely and in detail. How to fix an Ascendant, How to check genuiness of a Query, How to Assess a particular prashan chart, How to time an Event and How to apply the process of Transit have been taught in this Book in Detail and Step by step. All the Examples given in this book are real and authentic. Examples have been described in such a way that Even a reader with Little knowledge of KCIL would be able to assess and time the event correctly. Buying All these three books will be beneficial to the Readers and they will enjoy reading it.

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What Guru SP Khullar Ji Once Predicted

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